Communities are all about connecting the users and building up a strong following. Communities are very loyally and proud to be using your product.
When and how to apply Community:
How does a company model that builds communities attract new clients to your service firm? According to Salesforce, 84% of consumers respond positively when treated as individuals rather than numbers. This explains the rapid evolution of consumer expectations in brand interactions. In a world full of potential customers, there is more to brand development and business model innovation than providing exceptional services. People, who may become your future customers, crave a real human connection with both your brand and others like them who may be using the same tools and technologies, facing the same business difficulties, or in the same stage of business development.
Simple logic justifies:
Humans are social creatures who enjoy joining tribes with shared values.
The purchasing decisions of consumers reflect their identities and those of their communities.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are Clubhouse and TikTok.
This Pattern is used by:

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