The Business Model of Lilium GmbH

Lilium GmbH was formed in 2015 by Daniel Wiegand, Sebastian Born, Patrick Nathen, and Matthias Meiner, all of whom are engineers and doctorate students at the Technical University of Munich. The publicly traded firm is working on the development of a vertical take-off and landing aircraft. The Lilium Jet is a 36-motor all-electric aircraft. It is intended to be capable of transporting many people independently as an air taxi. Lilium's vision is for everyone to be able to fly on their Lilium Jet in a manner similar to that of an air taxi. Similar to traditional taxi services (Uber), passengers should be able to request a plane to the next pick-up location via an app. It will initially be piloted by a human, but will eventually be handled by a computer. Lilium's objective is to build a regional high-speed transportation system that is both sustainable and accessible.

Lilium GmbH Business Model
Weßling, GER

Hard Facts

Business Model Canvas

This canvas shows a detailed explanation of how the business model of Lilium GmbH is structured.

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Business Model Patterns

The business model patterns of Lilium GmbH help to understand the mechanics behind the business model. Furthermore you can learn more about the specific business model pattern by clicking learn more.

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SWOT Analysis

The SWOT Analysis of Lilium GmbH is about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the companies business model. By clicking the i you can see a detailed description.

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What makes Lilium GmbH special?

This section is all about the secret sauce of the business model of Lilium GmbH. If there is any incredible information about the founding team (like how they started the business, etc.) you can learn from you can find it here!

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Marketing Insights

Last but not least in this section we analyse the marketing activities of Lilium GmbH. Which kind of marketing Lilium GmbH is doing?

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